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A message from Rick Mosher, Senior Minister
March is a time of transition. We transition from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time. Personally, I transition from helping coach Lady Wildcat Basketball to following the St. Louis Cardinals daily and passionately. In the church, we transition from winter programming to much more active spring programming centered around Easter and other springtime events. Many transition from being indoors most of the time to getting out more.
These are all seasonal and yearly events.
However, some reading this might be in a more profound time of transition. Maybe you are transitioning from one job to another or from working to retirement. Some are transitioning to changed circumstances due to the death of a loved one of someone close to them moving away.
Life is full of so many changes and transitions, some routine and some quite major, even unsettling. Do you long for something constant in your life?
What is the once constant in life? Actually, I should say “WHO”? It’s Jesus. Hebrews 13.8 tells us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
We can always count on Jesus. He is always our Savior. He is always Lord, giving direction and guidance to our lives. He is always interceding for His people. He is always our Good Shepherd who cares for His people and is with us even in our most difficult times. Amid life’s constant transitions, lean on our constant, consistent, Jesus!
Maybe some of you you are reading this and realize you need to take Jesus as your Lord and Savior and become saved so you can have Him in your life. You can find scripture references that give more information about making Jesus your Lord and Savior by clicking on our Path to Salvation page on this web site. If we can assist you in obeying the Gospel, or in your walk with Christ, contact us.
CREDITS: Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.