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About Us
Licking Christian Church exists to help each individual have the closest possible
relationship with Jesus Christ that they might know Him as Lord and Savior.
We seek to honor God by worship in spirit and in truth and by daily Christian living.
We desire that God's love be extended through our actions and attitudes, both here and in the world around us.

Licking Christian Church is part of a movement within Christianity
that seeks to go back to the Bible for all that we believe and practice.
We do not claim to be the only Christians but we do try to be "Christians Only".
We have no earthly creeds, doctrines of men, or denominational structure or headquarters.
We seek unity based upon God's Word as an avenue to promote the winning of the world to Christ.
We are among the hundreds of independent local Christian Churches and Churches of Christ who are joined together by belief and practice,
not by any formal denominational ties. We invite you to learn more about us and this brotherhood of believers who are free in Christ.