Elders and Deacons

Elders Our elders are the spiritual leaders and shepherds of the congregation. By example and interaction with people they seek to help believers grow in Christ and not only stay faithful but effectively share the Good News of Jesus. The elders oversee the church’s evangelistic and educational programs and strive to see that what is taught and practiced in the church is true to the Bible. The elders are also involved in conducting the general business of the congregation as well as overseeing its missions and outreach programs.

Denny Dunlap, Luke Wade, Troy Hunt, Rick Mosher and John Nolan

Deacons Our deacons oversee our benevolence program and seek other ways to be of service to those in need. In addition they assist the elders in carrying out the local church’s general business as well and in overseeing its missions and outreach programs.

Jeff Wade, Benny Bean, Kenny Gorman, Ryan Wiseman, Lane Wade, Todd Fudge, and Dustin Stockard