

No one is more important than our children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19.14) At Licking Christian Church we have a number of resources for children to help them feel welcome and, most important, get to know Jesus.
NURSERY: A nursery is provided during the 11 a.m. Morning Worship for children from birth until they reach the age of four. A trained nursery worker will be glad to take care of your child. Parents also may use the nursery for feeding, changing or any other needs not only during this service but during all other activities of the church.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: In addition to our Young Adult, Adult, and Jr.-Sr. High classes in the 10 a.m. Sunday School hour, we have the following children’s classes which meet every Sunday.
2 and 3 years old
4 years-Grade 1
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-6
The children also have their own pre-session in the Family Life Center from arrival to about 10:15. There are both fun activities and songs they like.
CHILDREN’S CHURCH/WEE WORSHIP: During the sermon part of Morning Worship we offer special programming for children from age two through 3rd Grade. Children’s Church is for 4 years of age through 3rd grade. At the same time 2’s and 3’s are invited to go out (or go from the nursery) to a special “Wee Worship” lesson for their age group.
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS: Our Wednesday night program begins with a free meal at 6:40 P.M.. during the (Licking R-8 District) school year. Classes start around 7:00 P.M. The Wednesday program is not in session during summer vacation and Christmas break. On Wednesdays we offer these classes: Kindergarten, Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6.
SUMMER EVENTS: While our Wednesday program is not going during the summer some great special events go on instead. We participate in Rock Garden Christian Service Camp. There are camp events for all the children from incoming first graders on up. Grades 1 and 2 go for an annual one day camp. Grades 3-4 have a three day camp. Grades 5-6 have “full” five day camp weeks just like their big brothers and sisters in junior high and high school! Our second big summer event is VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. Dates and times should be posted on our announcements page no later than Spring for the year at hand. Children from 3 years old on up will thrill to meaningful lessons, interesting crafts, music, missions, and occasional surprises.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Every year in mid-December, we put on our Christmas Program one Sunday night. This involves our elementary age children and occasionally some older or younger. Those who desire to do so get to share in the telling of the Christmas Story in drama, spoken word, and song.
SPECIAL FUN EVENTS: Over the course of the year there are occasional fun events for the children. These include various trips, lock-ins, and other outings.
QUESTIONS: If you have questions about our Children’s Ministry, call or e-mail the church or our minister. Licking Christian Church: Phone: (573) 674-2055. E-mail: Minister: Rick Mosher (573) 674-3917 or cell phone (417) 260-0596